Transnational Partner Meeting in Lisbon

Check-IN was the host organization of the TPM that took place in Lisbon (Portugal), from 8 to 11 March 2023. All project partners participated in the meeting:

  • University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
  • Solution (France)
  • MAG Verona (Italy)
  • Associazione N.E.T. (Italy)
  • Check-IN (Portugal)
  • Dom Spain (Spain)
  • Searchlighter Services LTD (UK)

The meeting was a fantastic opportunity to meet all the partners. Firstly, a general analysis of the status of the project was carried out, analyzing the results achieved and planning the next activities that need to be organized at the local and international level.

The partners discussed the state of development of the initiatives at the local level, highlighting some obstacles and presenting concrete solutions and suggestions to solve them. Likewise, the platform was analyzed, followed by an analysis of the quality of the project.

Each partner will continue to support and accompany the different groups of entrepreneurs at the local level.

During the last part of the meeting, were analyzed also the different multiplier events (that will be held locally) and the last TPM of the project, which will take place in Italy in July 2023.

Besides, there was also the opportunity to explore the city of Lisbon.

Sincere thanks to all partners for their dedication, contributions and energy.

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