The EU project

One possible response to this scenario are Community Enterprises. They are socioeconomic entities that rely on the production of benefits for the reference communities through the involvement of citizens in the planning, production, financing and exploitation of activities. The CEs are therefore ideal places where renewed participation and responsible citizenship are expressed and enhanced.
The project invests in policies and instruments that facilitate these developments, while fulfilling a dual objective:
• to promote the employability of young people and women, at a disadvantage because they are lining in internal areas
• to respond to shared local needs. The aim is to provide support for the learning of skills needed to combat depopulation and impoverishment of marginal areas through the start-up of CEs.
Young adults and women living in marginal areas who want to get back in the game in order to achieve greater social and work integration with a view to self-enterprise will be involved in the project as main target groups, with a particular focus on disadvantaged people; the target communities will also participate in the process.The project results will benefit to adult guidance and vocational system, which will have new tools available for this type of development.

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