Mag Mutua per l’Autogestione was born in Verona in 1978 in the way of self-management experiences that constitute in Italy in industrial work, in agriculture and services also through the recovery of factories in crisis and community projects.

Mag, to support the birth of organizations in the social economy, has developed throughout its history various tools in order to help women and men to acquire specific skills necessary for the start-up and management of mutual initiatives. In particular, in recent years, Mag has focused on Corporate Social Responsibility, developing an idea of Territorial Social Responsibility for the construction of a cooperative economic ecosystem in contexts, also thanks to the development of community businesses.  Mag Verona is a training institution, accredited by the Veneto Region, which in particular deepens the issues of entrepreneurship, relational, non-formal skills. Mag periodically organizes training courses on these issues, and conducts studies in the sector through its dedicated centre, and also conducts specific «on the job» paths, both for individual companies and in an inter-company key.  Mag also has a long experience in managing and reporting.  Mag Mutua per l’Autogestione, in collaboration with the connected Mag Servizi Società Cooperativa, offered a consultancy activity for birth, development and management of enterprise with specific services. Since its birth Mag has accompanied about 1000 companies operating in a wide range of sectors: care services and social assistance services, educational activities, organic farming as to care for the land, fair trade, arts and cultural activities, creative crafts and material reuse, environment caring, ethical and solidarity finance, job placement. Mag is also an operator of work services (accredited by the Veneto region) and accompanies women and men on paths to the consolidation of the world of work, especially with particular disadvantages, having among others as a possible output a self-enterprise, especially in collective form. Mag Mutua is also a mutual and solidarity finance institution. This practice has its roots since the origins of Mag, through the collection of savings to redirect the use of money. Since 2005 it has been active at Mag a microcredit desk that finances families and people in difficulty, as well as the start-up of new businesses. To date, there are about 500 social enterprises, associations, cooperatives, social cooperatives, community foundations, micro-enterprises and other related organizations that operate in a network and that are recognized in an exchange relationship with Mag and among themselves. These companies operate in all the various sectors mentioned above and, together with the fellow co-partners, individuals, include about 2500 people operating in the Social Economy. MAG’s mission is: «We believe in the possibility of building a more equitable and fair society in which everyone has the possibility of being protagonists and responsible for its own existence. We believe that the economy must be tailored to women and men who, through self-managed work, can fulfil their aspirations. A better quality of life is based on relationships and networks of trust based on respect for each other and on values that transcend profit for its own sake.»

Associazione N.E.T. is a not for profit association founded in 2001 by experts of the training and educational sector. NET addresses above all disadvantaged people like women, long term unemployed, elderly, people with disabilities and migrants to support them in the process of social integration.

The association is very active at local and regional level by collaborating with public organisations and institutions like Regions, Municipalities, Local Health Units (ULSS), Universities, Chambers of Commerce but not only and also at European level, being part of several European projects. Associazione N.E.T. contributes to local and regional development by organising activities and developing sustainable community projects and programmes. Recently, the Association moved towards fair and sustainable type of activities, developing innovative actions and supporting new ideas. New objectives relates to fair self-entrepreneurship, environment, organic/biodynamic agriculture, healthy cooking and eating, sustainable tourism.

Check-IN – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, founded in 2010, based in Beja and also operating from Lisbon, in Portugal. It works in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in the quality of life improvement activities.

Our organization mainly focuses on youth and adult mobility, non-formal education, cooperation and development of organizations and individuals, and the overall sharing of knowledge, through the support of European cooperation initiatives.

Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion is an NGO based in Paris carrying out educational activities to promote social cohesion through non formal education.

The objective of the association is to boost social inclusion among young people by proposing several kinds of actions fostering intercultural dialogue, encouraging democratic participation among groups that are excluded from social dynamics, increasing young people’s soft and hard skills, designing educational programs to open minds and strengthening fair dynamics between generations. In particular, Solution focuses on the following areas:

  • Integration of disadvantaged groups in the labor market
  • Entrepreneurship as a professional opportunity for people with fewer opportunities
  • Ecological awareness through innovative tools and ICT
  • Integration of young migrants in the society
  • Women empowerment
  • Gender equality for everyone
  • Intergenerational dialogue
  • Active citizenship both on European and local levels
  • Promotion of intercultural dialogue through multilingual workshops

Solution operates in a multicultural and socially complex environment: in the east of Paris, there are more than 70 different ethnic communities whose younger adults may face economic difficulties, as well as social and labor exclusion. Such groups are often excluded from extra scholar offers, which may help them to acquire new skills enabling a better integration into society. Solution’s mission is to propose to these people non-formal education activities bringing together different publics and stimulating, this way, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue while promoting the acquisition of soft and hard skills useful for professional and social purposes

DomSpain Consulting (DomSpain) is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level with a wide expertise in accessing, managing, implementing and monitoring EU funded projects. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain and actively participates in international schemes through a well-established network of partners abroad.

The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in four main directions:

  • Courses and workshops for adult learners, including foreign languages, ICT, cookery, dance and personal growth classes
  • VET: ICT, foreign languages, employability, work-based learning ;
  • Trainings for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods, blended learning ;
  • Extra curriculum activities for school children and parents, including foreign languages, robotics, coding, and internet safety ;

It also collaborates with organisations of people with disabilities active on regional and national level and directly with people with special needs. It provides extra-curriculum activities in foreign languages and robotics for children with learning difficulties and developmental disorders as well as classes of ICT and languages for adults with special educational needs. In the ICT field, DomSpain offers to organizations, businesses, public bodies and other entities integral solutions, which help them guarantee the cybernetic security. It provides guidance and support to entities such as educational centres, public bodies, social enterprises, and NGOs in digitalising of their internal working processes. Also, it has implemented various projects on national and International level involving development of educational platforms. It is a co-founding member of the DLearn, a European digital learning network. DomSpain also focus on strengthening the capacity of small-sized enterprises and organisations, as well as volunteering, working on social issues, involving in their activities all community members, including employers and governmental officials at all levels.

Searchlighter Services acts as a research institution, primarily engaged in the Social Sciences, often covering transversal objectives in Programmes that secure social justice and minimise exclusion.

Its projects tend towards facilitating human development, education, sector innovation and knowledge transfer. In this context, the organisation commits to transparency, accountability, civil rights and social cohesion in project activities. Searchlighter engages with a range of organisations, including those in the voluntary sector, social enterprises, local authorities, public bodies, universities, non-profit groups, co-operatives, and charities. Its research activity has a focus on measuring the degree to which project outcomes have a clear path to the designated beneficiaries. In this, it has specific expertise in online surveys as a research methodology and implementing frameworks for quality assurance, monitoring and project evaluation. Robin Beecroft is a Social Science researcher and works as the Research Director at Searchlighter.

University of Ruse is an accredited autonomous state university in Bulgaria with 8 faculties, 3 branches (in the Danube towns of Silistra and Vidin and in the town of Razgrad) and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre.

Established in 1945, the university now offers 49 Bachelor, 90 Master and 43 PhD programmes to approx. 10 000 students and doctoral degree students. Its staff consists of over 500 scholars and researchers providing training and scientific research in diverse areas:

ICT – computer systems and technologies; telecommunication systems, digital management; software engineering;
Engineering – mechanical and manufacturing engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering, electrical power engineering, electronics and automation, agrarian engineering, agricultural and transport machinery and technologies, industrial design; automation, air-conditioning, hydraulics and gasification; ecology and conservation equipment, quality management and metrology; material science and technologies;
Transport management and technology; operation of fleet and ports;
Natural sciences and education – computer sciences; informatics and information technologies in business; mathematics and informatics; financial mathematics; primary school education, social education; Bulgarian language and history; physics and informatics;
Business management, entrepreneurship and innovation, international economic relations, public administration, economics, marketing, European and global studies, multi-level governance, industrial management;
Social Work; kinezitherapy; occupational therapy; midwife; nurse;
Biotechnologies; chemical technologies; food technologies (Razgrad Branch), etc.
The University of Ruse is a full member of the European University Association, the Danube Rectors’ Conference, the Visegrad University Association and the Interuniversity Center – Dubrovnik. Teams from the university manage and participate in the implementation of over 250 multi- and bi-lateral international agreements in the field of science and education and in agreements under 20 international cooperation programmes with partners from over 40 European, Asian and American countries. The University of Ruse has modern facilities, equipment and an accredited structure for continuing education and further training and instruction. The university also has a career centre and bi-lateral agreements with numerous employers and employer organizations. The higher education institution has extensive transnational and regional project experience (educational, scientific, research and other types of projects) both as a lead partner managing various types of beneficiaries and as a project partner.

Mag Mutua per l’Autogestione was born in Verona in 1978 in the way of self-management experiences that constitute in Italy in industrial work, in agriculture and services also through the recovery of factories in crisis and community projects.

Mag, to support the birth of organizations in the social economy, has developed throughout its history various tools in order to help women and men to acquire specific skills necessary for the start-up and management of mutual initiatives. In particular, in recent years, Mag has focused on Corporate Social Responsibility, developing an idea of Territorial Social Responsibility for the construction of a cooperative economic ecosystem in contexts, also thanks to the development of community businesses.  Mag Verona is a training institution, accredited by the Veneto Region, which in particular deepens the issues of entrepreneurship, relational, non-formal skills. Mag periodically organizes training courses on these issues, and conducts studies in the sector through its dedicated centre, and also conducts specific «on the job» paths, both for individual companies and in an inter-company key.  Mag also has a long experience in managing and reporting.  Mag Mutua per l’Autogestione, in collaboration with the connected Mag Servizi Società Cooperativa, offered a consultancy activity for birth, development and management of enterprise with specific services. Since its birth Mag has accompanied about 1000 companies operating in a wide range of sectors: care services and social assistance services, educational activities, organic farming as to care for the land, fair trade, arts and cultural activities, creative crafts and material reuse, environment caring, ethical and solidarity finance, job placement. Mag is also an operator of work services (accredited by the Veneto region) and accompanies women and men on paths to the consolidation of the world of work, especially with particular disadvantages, having among others as a possible output a self-enterprise, especially in collective form. Mag Mutua is also a mutual and solidarity finance institution. This practice has its roots since the origins of Mag, through the collection of savings to redirect the use of money. Since 2005 it has been active at Mag a microcredit desk that finances families and people in difficulty, as well as the start-up of new businesses. To date, there are about 500 social enterprises, associations, cooperatives, social cooperatives, community foundations, micro-enterprises and other related organizations that operate in a network and that are recognized in an exchange relationship with Mag and among themselves. These companies operate in all the various sectors mentioned above and, together with the fellow co-partners, individuals, include about 2500 people operating in the Social Economy. MAG’s mission is: «We believe in the possibility of building a more equitable and fair society in which everyone has the possibility of being protagonists and responsible for its own existence. We believe that the economy must be tailored to women and men who, through self-managed work, can fulfil their aspirations. A better quality of life is based on relationships and networks of trust based on respect for each other and on values that transcend profit for its own sake.»

Associazione N.E.T. is a not for profit association founded in 2001 by experts of the training and educational sector. NET addresses above all disadvantaged people like women, long term unemployed, elderly, people with disabilities and migrants to support them in the process of social integration.

The association is very active at local and regional level by collaborating with public organisations and institutions like Regions, Municipalities, Local Health Units (ULSS), Universities, Chambers of Commerce but not only and also at European level, being part of several European projects. Associazione N.E.T. contributes to local and regional development by organising activities and developing sustainable community projects and programmes. Recently, the Association moved towards fair and sustainable type of activities, developing innovative actions and supporting new ideas. New objectives relates to fair self-entrepreneurship, environment, organic/biodynamic agriculture, healthy cooking and eating, sustainable tourism.

Check-IN – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, founded in 2010, based in Beja and also operating from Lisbon, in Portugal. It works in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in the quality of life improvement activities.

Our organization mainly focuses on youth and adult mobility, non-formal education, cooperation and development of organizations and individuals, and the overall sharing of knowledge, through the support of European cooperation initiatives.

Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion is an NGO based in Paris carrying out educational activities to promote social cohesion through non formal education.

The objective of the association is to boost social inclusion among young people by proposing several kinds of actions fostering intercultural dialogue, encouraging democratic participation among groups that are excluded from social dynamics, increasing young people’s soft and hard skills, designing educational programs to open minds and strengthening fair dynamics between generations. In particular, Solution focuses on the following areas:

  • Integration of disadvantaged groups in the labor market
  • Entrepreneurship as a professional opportunity for people with fewer opportunities
  • Ecological awareness through innovative tools and ICT
  • Integration of young migrants in the society
  • Women empowerment
  • Gender equality for everyone
  • Intergenerational dialogue
  • Active citizenship both on European and local levels
  • Promotion of intercultural dialogue through multilingual workshops

Solution operates in a multicultural and socially complex environment: in the east of Paris, there are more than 70 different ethnic communities whose younger adults may face economic difficulties, as well as social and labor exclusion. Such groups are often excluded from extra scholar offers, which may help them to acquire new skills enabling a better integration into society. Solution’s mission is to propose to these people non-formal education activities bringing together different publics and stimulating, this way, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue while promoting the acquisition of soft and hard skills useful for professional and social purposes.


DomSpain Consulting (DomSpain) is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level with a wide expertise in accessing, managing, implementing and monitoring EU funded projects. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain and actively participates in international schemes through a well-established network of partners abroad.

The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in four main directions:

  • Courses and workshops for adult learners, including foreign languages, ICT, cookery, dance and personal growth classes 
  • VET: ICT, foreign languages, employability, work-based learning ;
  • Trainings for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods, blended learning ;
  • Extra curriculum activities for school children and parents, including foreign languages, robotics, coding, and internet safety ;

It also collaborates with organisations of people with disabilities active on regional and national level and directly with people with special needs. It provides extra-curriculum activities in foreign languages and robotics for children with learning difficulties and developmental disorders as well as classes of ICT and languages for adults with special educational needs. In the ICT field, DomSpain offers to organizations, businesses, public bodies and other entities integral solutions, which help them guarantee the cybernetic security. It provides guidance and support to entities such as educational centres, public bodies, social enterprises, and NGOs in digitalising of their internal working processes. Also, it has implemented various projects on national and International level involving development of educational platforms. It is a co-founding member of the DLearn, a European digital learning network.  DomSpain also focus on strengthening the capacity of small-sized enterprises and organisations, as well as volunteering, working on social issues, involving in their activities all community members, including employers and governmental officials at all levels.

Searchlighter Services acts as a research institution, primarily engaged in the Social Sciences, often covering transversal objectives in Programmes that secure social justice and minimise exclusion.

Its projects tend towards facilitating human development, education, sector innovation and knowledge transfer. In this context, the organisation commits to transparency, accountability, civil rights and social cohesion in project activities. Searchlighter engages with a range of organisations, including those in the voluntary sector, social enterprises, local authorities, public bodies, universities, non-profit groups, co-operatives, and charities. Its research activity has a focus on measuring the degree to which project outcomes have a clear path to the designated beneficiaries. In this, it has specific expertise in online surveys as a research methodology and implementing frameworks for quality assurance, monitoring and project evaluation. Robin Beecroft is a Social Science researcher and works as the Research Director at Searchlighter.


University of Ruse is an accredited autonomous state university in Bulgaria with 8 faculties, 3 branches (in the Danube towns of Silistra and Vidin and in the town of Razgrad) and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre.

Established in 1945, the university now offers 49 Bachelor, 90 Master and 43 PhD programmes to approx. 10 000 students and doctoral degree students. Its staff consists of over 500 scholars and researchers providing training and scientific research in diverse areas:

  • ICT – computer systems and technologies; telecommunication systems, digital management; software engineering;
  • Engineering – mechanical and manufacturing engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering, electrical power engineering, electronics and automation, agrarian engineering, agricultural and transport machinery and technologies, industrial design; automation, air-conditioning, hydraulics and gasification; ecology and conservation equipment, quality management and metrology; material science and technologies;
  • Transport management and technology; operation of fleet and ports;
  • Natural sciences and education – computer sciences; informatics and information technologies in business; mathematics and informatics; financial mathematics; primary school education, social education; Bulgarian language and history; physics and informatics;
  • Business management, entrepreneurship and innovation, international economic relations, public administration, economics, marketing, European and global studies, multi-level governance, industrial management;
  • Social Work; kinezitherapy; occupational therapy; midwife; nurse;
  • Law;
  • Biotechnologies; chemical technologies; food technologies (Razgrad Branch), etc.

The University of Ruse is a full member of the European University Association, the Danube Rectors’ Conference, the Visegrad University Association and the Interuniversity Center – Dubrovnik. Teams from the university manage and participate in the implementation of over 250 multi- and bi-lateral international agreements in the field of science and education and in agreements under 20 international cooperation programmes with partners from over 40 European, Asian and American countries. The University of Ruse has modern facilities, equipment and an accredited structure for continuing education and further training and instruction. The university also has a career centre and bi-lateral agreements with numerous employers and employer organizations. The higher education institution has extensive transnational and regional project experience (educational, scientific, research and other types of projects) both as a lead partner managing various types of beneficiaries and as a project partner.


Mag Mutua per l’Autogestione (project coordinator)

Associazione N.E.T.



Dom Spain


University of Ruse

The ComEnter&RC Project is funded with the support of the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme. All views expressed are those of the authors and not of the European Commission.

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